


LOST Have you ever asked, "God, where are you?" The circumstances of life make you feel broken, and you wonder if God is there or if He even cares at all. If you've been there, feeling lost and alone, you're not alone! [...]



#struggles Unlike ever before, it seems like there are so many struggles in our life. When we can look around and get a snapshot of everyone else's highlight reel through social media, our normal lives seem so boring. We feel like we must be the only one with real problems and our [...]



Flipped We all love to watch as things get flipped - houses, furniture, and even other people's lives. It's exciting to see things transform and be made new again! If we were to be really honest, there are probably a few things in our own lives that need some restoration as well. [...]



Masquerade I love my job. My marriage is perfect. I don't struggle with any addiction. My kids are perfect. We've become so good at hiding the truth. In fact, we've been told we're SUPPOSED to put on the masks in every area of our life, to ensure all people see is the [...]

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