The Lion Kingcorecc2019-10-26T00:31:34-04:00 At the Movies – The Lion KingBen Carver – October 20, 2019Share this message online:Message DescriptionGreat stories can change our lives. Great stories stand the test of time. It’s time to discover the power in one of Disney’s greatest stories. You never know what you might see at Core. Listen to the Podcast AudioDownload NotesSermons in this Seriescorecc2019-10-31T23:12:45-04:00 Hoosiers Gallery Hoosiers Sermon Hoosierscorecc2019-10-26T00:31:34-04:00 The Lion King Gallery The Lion King Sermon The Lion Kingcorecc2019-10-25T22:23:08-04:00 Shawshank Redemption Gallery Shawshank Redemption Sermon Shawshank Redemptioncorecc2019-10-09T22:56:17-04:00 Avengers Endgame Gallery Avengers Endgame Sermon Avengers Endgame
corecc2019-10-25T22:23:08-04:00 Shawshank Redemption Gallery Shawshank Redemption Sermon Shawshank Redemption