Shawshank Redemptioncorecc2019-10-25T22:23:08-04:00 At the Movies – Shawshank RedemptionBen Carver – October 13, 2019Share this message online:Message DescriptionEvery great movie tells a story of hope. It’s this powerful ingredient that often gets lost in the shuffle of life. But we love the movies because they provide a reminder to the hope we desire. Let’s talk about how we get that back. Listen to the Podcast AudioDownload NotesSermons in this Seriescorecc2019-10-31T23:12:45-04:00 Hoosiers Gallery Hoosiers Sermon Hoosierscorecc2019-10-26T00:31:34-04:00 The Lion King Gallery The Lion King Sermon The Lion Kingcorecc2019-10-25T22:23:08-04:00 Shawshank Redemption Gallery Shawshank Redemption Sermon Shawshank Redemptioncorecc2019-10-09T22:56:17-04:00 Avengers Endgame Gallery Avengers Endgame Sermon Avengers Endgame
corecc2019-10-25T22:23:08-04:00 Shawshank Redemption Gallery Shawshank Redemption Sermon Shawshank Redemption