In The Poverty Of This World
Ben Carver – March 12, 2017
Message Description
Poverty. Hunger. Natural Disasters. Malnutrition. Orphaned. Abuse. Corrupt Governments. Hurt. Pain. We look out into the world and we see all these problems. It leaves us wondering how a loving God could possibly be in the middle of all this. Join us as we continue our series “LOST” by discovering what we can do in the midst of the Poverty of the World.
Scripture References
Romans 8:24-25, 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
Sermons in this Series
Brian Hasse2017-11-17T13:58:35-05:00
Brian Hasse2017-11-17T13:58:35-05:00
Brian Hasse2017-11-17T13:58:35-05:00
Brian Hasse2017-11-17T13:58:35-05:00